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Musings Cindy Cunningham Musings Cindy Cunningham

The Self-Induced Stress Poltergeist of Early Retirement

In the transition from a career in K12 education to the "calmer" and “more creative” world of early retirement, I stumbled upon an unsettling revelation: the stress didn’t dissipate magically; it morphed into a self-induced raging poltergeist of stress because ALL OF ME came along for the ride.

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Musings Cindy Cunningham Musings Cindy Cunningham

When COVID Brain Meets Mrs. Maisel: Binge-Watching Through Isolation

After four years of avoiding the plague like the plague, I contracted COVID...right after the start of the new year, right when it's time to get one's ducks in a row, fill in the planner(s,) and finesse everything into tip-top shape. People react differently to the virus, and in my self-imposed physical isolation, I endured an inordinate emotional isolation as well--alleviated only by binge-watching the entire 5 seasons of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel in 10 days.

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Musings Cindy Cunningham Musings Cindy Cunningham

Autumn Reverie

Just as T.S. Eliot says that April brings in a mix of “memory and desire,” Autumn triggers a flood of memories for me.

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Musings Cindy Cunningham Musings Cindy Cunningham

Write WHAT you know but not always in the same WAY you know

Once, I asked Dave Smith, “How do I change my voice?! It feels too immature and weak.” He replied, “Change your life; that is how you change your voice.” My life had been one heck of an adventure up to that point, but I had not reached a point where I could reflect on it as yet.

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